Product Safety Expert & Engineer Circumvents Gun Control Debate with a Practical Product to Protect People from Gun Violence in the United states.


Product Safety Expert & Engineer Circumvents Gun Control Debate with a Practical Product to Protect People from Gun Violence in the United states.


A Seattle-based team has created an original, immediate answer to protect against mass shootings. The invention, named the CoverMe-Seat, is a sturdy but light seat that can transform into a bullet proof vest. In all, the complete process takes about three or four seconds. The portable seat protects the chest and back of the user from powerful handgun rounds and with the addition of a rear plate it can stop ammunition shot from an AR-15-style weapon, which enables it to be a safer choice than most body-armor alternatives.

“I’ve never met a person who likes thinking about how to keep themselves protected against gunfire,” said the Founder of Practical Protection, Aaron Ansel. “The lawmakers in this country absolutely need to pass bipartisan regulatory reform, which we totally endorse, but until that occurs, this is an effective, timely solution that doesn’t require any laws to start using.”


The stadium-style seat overcomes the shortcomings of bulletproof shields and backpacks because it shields the front and back of the user. In addition, with the optional back plate, the wearer is protected AR-15 fire, which none of the competition can offer. CoveMe-Seat weighs less than six pounds, less than a gallon of milk.

Co-Founder and Chief Engineer Andrew Enke spent most of his career creating highly-precise medical implants. “I engineered the CoverMe-Seat to convert easily into a bulletproof vest. We designed the CoverMe-Seat around the idea that no-one really is going to want to wear a bulletproof coat every time they go outside. Our goal was to surmount the fallacy that being protected requires you to be uncomfortable. ”

CoverMe-Seat can be bought for only $100 on the web at

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