construção de sites profissionais

Creation Creation

Long Tail Keywords Long tail keywords are generally formed by three or more words, creating a small phrase and representing a more personalized search, so you will have great chances of getting great rankings on Google as it is a more specific search with less competition and more exclusive content on the subject.
When you have content with the best keywords in your niche, in addition to your site achieving excellent positions in Google, your company will also be answering questions from your customers, or potential customers.
As a result, besides being on the first page of Google in several key words, your brand begins to become an authority in your niche market!
Creation of Professional Sites with a Structure that Sells Truth!
Surely your intention when you thought of creating a website is to have a website that above all sells for real, correct?
First of all it is fundamental to be clear that a site that sells for real, is not one that is only “cute”
Unfortunately, it seems that many have this flawed perception criação de sites sp.
We need to be clear that this is not enough!
We have to have fundamental ingredients such as:
Use Copywriting Techniques to Write Texts
Using Inbound Marketing Techniques
Use Mental Triggers
Use SEO Content Marketing Techniques
Use Sales Funnel Techniques
As a result in Professional Website Creation your website will be a sales machine!
Study of the trajectory of the purchase of the Consumer in the Creation of Professional Sites
The path of consumer buying has changed a lot over the years.
Google has written a book that explains all these details in detail.
This book is called ZMOT ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH , that is, the zero moment of truth!
It’s called the Zero Moment of Truth because everything has changed from a few years to now in the path of buying a consumer .
You may have already figured out how this works.
When you want to buy something, what do you do?
Research is not it?
That is, simply being impacted by an advertisement no longer works!
Because? Because the consumer before buying any does several surveys until you come to a conclusion of what will buy.
Does that happen to you as well?
I believe so!
In our Creation of professional websites we make a detailed study of all the trajectory of the consumer purchase in your market niche.
As a result we will have the entire structure of key words that your potential customer does until you get the purchase.
Understanding this process, we will propose to make certain content on your site so that it buys from your company.